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Correspondence (Night) Faculty

Igor Brigadnov

Dean – PhD, Assistant Professor, Igor Brigadnov.

People with technical education are famous for their ability to adapt almost to any sphere of national economy: during the educational process they obtain a system approach to the world. And if a person combines theoretical studies with practical activity, he/she will make a good specialist for sure.

In light of the changes in country’s economy, demand on specialist of new formation arises. Besides that, many employers seek the certified specialists with work experience. At the Faculty also study the young people who finished schools and community colleges, served out the military services and now working on the chosen specialty. For those who already have a secondary vocational education, the Faculty provides the opportunity to continue study and complete the education briefly.

Our Correspondence (Night) Faculty successfully combines professional knowledge given by the University with practical experience obtained by each student working simultaneously with study at the University. Parallel training in both directions – theoretical and practical – is the most efficient way to make professionals. Moreover it shortens the period of adaptation at work. According to the new national educational standards of higher professional education the curricula for training of certified specialists were developed for all of the specialties; made several serious corrections to the organization of educational process as CNF. The Faculty’s graduate receives (as on the day-form of education) the qualification of certified specialist (engineer) and gets the Diploma of Higher Education.

For 6 years of education students will become proficient in the system of scientific knowledge of human race and society, history and culture, receive a fundamental training in natural-science disciplines, lay the foundation of professional knowledge in different spheres.

Full-Program Education (5 years 10 months) is held using the correspondence form. The special locking sessions are conducted for students, after those students work independently keeping the permanent contact with faculties; they receive the regular counseling monthly. Students report during the test sessions. The deep theoretical knowledge obtained in the University and combined with the practical experience at work allows our students to successfully pass the national examinations, upheld graduate and diploma projects. Work on a specialty helps the students to consciously and creatively approach to study of special disciplines, to properly evaluate their place and significance for the work of highly qualified specialist. Starting from the third year of education students have a chance of getting the second higher education.

On the 9 specialties of technical and economical courses the Faculty provides the training of certified specialists in group with shortened educational term. The entrants who have either secondary vocational training on the chosen course or higher professional education can join these groups. Education on the shortened programs is conducted using the combined (correspondence and day-time education) format.

The teaching staff of the Faculty pays special attention to the students who work in different industries; they put a lot of effort to help them to solve a very hard task: how to become an erudite specialist absolutely meeting the requirements of present.

This effort lets the Faculty to be very prestigious in the region.

The geography of students expanded significantly, the number of them overcame 1600 people. There are 216 people working at the Faculty, including 25 Professors and Doctors of Science, 125 Assistant Professors and PhDs.

At present time the Correspondence (Night) Faculty is one of the largest at the University.

The specialties of training of the certified specialists are the following:

  • Power Supply;
  • Machine Building
  • Electric Drive and Automatic for Industrial Facilities and Technological Complexes;
  • Designing and Technology of Radio Electronic Devices;
  • Industrial and Civil Building Construction;
  • Organizational Management;

Period of education: 5 years 10 months. The documents can be submitted to the Entrance Examination Committee of UlSTU. Its address: 32, Severnyj Venets, ph. +7-8422-43-05-05. Please address all your questions there.

Short-period education (for graduates of community colleges) and for those who have a higher professional education is available on the following specialties:

  • Technology;
  • Electric Drive and Automatic for Industrial Facilities and Technological Complexes;
  • Hear, Gas Supply and Ventilation;
  • Automobile and Tractor Construction;
  • Industrial and Civil Building Construction;
  • Communication Networks and Switching Systems;
  • Safety of Technological Processes and Manufacturing;
  • Organizational Management;
  • Finances and Credit Theory;
  • Financial Accounting, Analysis and Audit.

You need to take an interview and based on its results you can entry the Faculty. Term of education: 3 years 10 months. The documents can be submitted April 1st through August 15th to the address: 3, Engels St., offices 303, 305, 311. Ph. +7-8422-41-79-05, +7-8422-41-80-90.

Published: 15.10.2006 16:00:36
Modified: 01.06.2021 21:17:54


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