Ulyanovsk state technical university Ulyanovsk state technical university

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Very close attention in the University’s plans and their implementation is paid to the Health of personnel and students. There is a program “Health” allowing providing 600 employees and 650 students with the medical care and recovery annually. There are contracts with a range of medical institutions of Ulyanovsk about the medical care and regular preventive medical inspections; medical and dentists cabinets are functioning at the main hall; during the hard times we were able to keep the university’s sanatorium-preventorium and summer recovery camp “Sadovka”, perfectly working now. The system of free-will medical insurance was founded and it is being developed currently.

Sun, air and water are our best friends

At the university’s sanatorium-preventorium on the privileged tickets in a format of three-week prevention and medical care, about 70 employees and 300 students annually take the medical services. At their service work the highly qualified medical personnel and modern medical equipment, food rich in calories and sanatorium regimen; they also can be provided with the out-patient treatment of different types.

University’s pride is the summer recovery camp “Sadovka”, situated at the scenic shoreline of Volga gulf. Unique nature, reserved green zone, sun, air, water, mushroom hunting and fishing. Sports competitions, cultural and entertaining programs. Every year summer camp is attended by about 350 employees and 400 students.


Proper nutrition means good health
Proper nutrition means good health
UlSTU Preventorium hall
UlSTU Preventorium hall
UlSTU Preventorium staff
UlSTU Preventorium staff

Published: 15.10.2006 11:46:32
Modified: 29.10.2006 16:12:59


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